ESR7 – Information theoretic aspects of modularity, self-similarity, and stability in multiplayer games on adaptive networks

ESR7: Information theoretic aspects of modularity, self-similarity, and stability in multiplayer games on adaptive networks

Recruiting beneficiary: Medical University Vienna, Austria


Internal supervisors: Dr. Rudolf Hanel, Dr. Peter Klimek


Brief project description: We will study systems of entities playing iterated games (e.g. tagged zero-determinant games) typically phrased as systems of differential equations. In particular we focus on social dilemma games as models of self-organised regulatory networks and on how respective dynamical properties, such as the number, type, and stability of attractors depend on topological properties of the underlying regulatory network. To study such interrelations we build on information theoretic strategies and a proven dynamical systems framework based on a statistical ensemble approach inspired by random matrix theory. Studying how features such as modularity or the prevalence of link signs (+/-) influence the resilience and dynamics of adaptive systems translates to potentials that govern the evolutionary emergence of sustainable context sensitive regulatory strategies and networks both on microscopic (genetic/chemical reaction networks) and macroscopic scales (eco-systems). 


Updates: Hana is currently finishing several projects. Two of them examine agent-based models of the Ultimatum Game, exploring how fairness emerges in hierarchical population. The third project involves a multi-player version of the Ultimatum game that she initiated during her second secondment at City University of London, working with Mark Broom. Additionally, she has begun preparing for the next phase of her PhD, which will investigate the evolutionary emergent topology of regulatory networks and how these influence the dynamical properties and resilience of the system.


Selected  contributions:

Krakovská, H., Hanel, R. & Broom, M. (2024). Fairness in Multi-Proposer-Multi-Responder Ultimatum Game. Under peer review in Proceedings of the Royal Society A. Preprint in arXiv.


Krakovská, H., Hanel, R. & Broom, M.  (2024, July 16). Beyond Two Player Interactions in Ultimatum Game [Talk]. MMEE 2024. Vienna, Austria.


Krakovská, H. & Hanel, R. (2022, October 17). Ultimatum Game in the evolutionary hunter-gatherer context [Talk]. CCS 2022. Palma de Mallorca, Spain.