Evolutionary games and population dynamics: from theory to applications

Evolutionary Game Theory and Population Dynamics: From Theory to Applications

EvoGamesPlus (Evolutionary Game Theory and Population Dynamics: From Theory to Applications) Innovative Training Network focuses on development of  realistic evolutionary game theoretic models of real-world populations, using a mixture of mathematical modeling, biological knowledge and expertise in computing and the analysis of data.

We train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESR) in these skills, with a training plan to give them the required expertise in the relevant areas, and their combination. We will pursue four research themes, two developing methodology and two focused on applications.

The first concerns the modelling of structured populations, incorporating more realistic spatial and social interactions. The second considers important out of equilibrium dynamical concepts, often neglected in favour of equilibria. The third focuses on the mathematical modelling of cancer and its treatment. Here the two above concepts are especially important. The fourth considers ecological and epidemiological modelling where the focus is on structural complexity relating to the interplay of different timescales and the management and analysis of epidemiological data. Whilst specialising, all ESRs will gain knowledge of all of these important themes.


Within EvoGamesPlus we recruited 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs):


The main training objective of EvoGamesPlus is to train a new generation of 15 PhD candidates that harness novel insights and advance research skills in evolutionary game theory (especially when it comes to the structured populations aspects (WP1) and their dynamical aspects (WP2) and can use their knowledge in tackling real-world challenges, such as designing more effective cancer treatment (WP3) and predicting, preventing, and controlling epidemics (WP4).


Content structure

Each WP Team focuses on the work, deliverables and milestones related to that WP. Every WP Team will train its ESRs with utmost utilization of the dedicated expertise available and instantly transfer new knowledge and ideas into new modelling tools and/or applications. These WP teams, consisting of both academic and non-academic experts, where the institutions are both from the EU and third countries, have designed innovative PhD programmes that will increase the ESRs’ capacity to exploit huge potential of multidisciplinary expertise within their WP, enhance their careers in the academic and non-academic sectors, and strengthen the ESRs’ skills to move from new ideas/data to their conceptualization and application in solving real-world problems.


Research training

To maximize each ESR’s skills and expertise, we will rely on research training by cutting-edge individualized research projects in one of the 4 WP Teams. ESRs will learn with and from their peers who will work on complementary projects to become accustomed to both theoretical work in the field of evolutionary game theory, data-driven modelling, and relevant applications.

The structural training programme will cover:

  • Research skills training: ESRs will receive training to increase knowledge and skills in advanced research topics and methods relevant for their project, both during executing their project and through network-wide training and relevant secondments.
  • Transferable skills training: This training, offered also by local graduate schools and through complementary network-wide courses, will teach ESRs important sets of transferable skills, such as teamwork, communication, and organization skills.
Secondments and short visits

Each ESR will have been seconded at least two times during their PhD programme, to ensure significant exposure to academic, non-academic and third country sectors. These secondments will be arranged within the respective WP team that the ESR is aligned to, so as to minimise knowledge gaps and promote social embedding of the ESR at the temporary host. All fellows will spend at least one secondment in a non-academic or US institution. While most ESR projects involve secondments at non-academic beneficiaries, most of the ESRs will be also spending secondments at third country partners, as those partners possess key expertise for the corresponding ESR projects.

Short visits of a few days to network partners active in one of the other WP teams are to be defined within the planning. 

Network-wide training events

Training events are organized biyearly, in the form of schools and workshops. Their role is to improve the research and transferable skills of the ESRs. You can view selected past schools under the following links:

Winter School in Plön

Summer School in Torino

Winter School in Szeged

Conferences & Workshops 

All ESRs will attend international conferences and workshops, as part of their training programme. These events are world top conference/workshops in the relevant topics of game theory and applications. 


EvoGamesPlus unites 13 top-level academic beneficiaries from different scientific expertise ranging from evolutionary game theory, dynamical systems theory, cancer biology, ecology, to computer science and data science and 17 partner organizations from wide-ranging but interrelated fields of expertise involving medicine, mathematical modelling, data science, machine learning, and epidemiology.




Internal Supervisors

Mark Broom​

University of London

  • Main supervisor of ESR1
  • Leader of WP1

Chaitanya S. Gokhale

Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology

  • Main supervisor of ESR3
  • Leader of WP1

Ádám Kun

Centre for Ecological Research/Ökológiai Kutatóközpont

  • Main supervisor of ESR3
  • WP1 

Johan Dubbeldam​

Delft University of Technology

  • Main supervisor of ESR4
  • Leader of WP2

Sebastian Wieczorek ​

University College Cork

  • Main supervisor of ESR5
  • WP2

Jacek Miękisz​

University of Warsaw

  • Main supervisor of ESR6
  • WP2

Rudolf Hanel

Medical University Vienna

  • Main supervisor of ESR7
  • WP2 

Kateřina Staňková​​

Delft University of Technology

  • Main supervisor of ESR4
  • Leader of WP3
  •  EvoGamesPlus Coordinator

Queen Mary University London

  • Supervisor of ESR9
  • WP3

Benjamin Werner​

Queen Mary University London

  • Supervisor of ESR10
  • WP3

Maria Luisa Sapino​

University of Torino

  • Main supervisor of ESR11
  • Leader of WP4

Kieran Sharkey

University of Liverpool

  • Main supervisor of ESR12
  • WP4

Gergely Röst​

University of Szeged

  • Main supervisor of ESR13
  • WP4

Vlastimil Křivan ​

University of South Bohemia

  • Main supervisor of ESR14
  • WP4

Daniela Paolotti

ISI Foundation

  • Main supervisor of ESR15
  • WP4
External Supervisors

Esther Baena​

University of Manchester

Ted Galanthay​

Ithaca College

Antonio Fernández Anta

IMDEA Networks Institut

Jan Rychtář​ ​

Virginia Commonwealth University

Igor Erovenko ​

UNC Greensboro

Onicio B. Leal-Neto

University of Zurich

Joel Brown

Moffit Cancer Center

Ghada El Serafy​


Early Stage Researchers





Nandakishor Krishnan


Frederik Jasper Thomsen




Javad Mohamadichamgavi




Mohammadreza Satouri
















Project Coordination

Kateřina Staňková

Delft University of Technology

  • Main supervisor of ESR8
  • Leader of WP3
  • EvoGamesPlus Scientific Coordinator

Sebastian Mateiescu

Delft University of Technology

  • EvoGamesPlus Project Coordinator
Ethics Advisor

Samantha Copeland

Delft University of Technology


Our Winter School took place in Szeged this year. You can find the details here. Szeged TV produced a video report documenting our experience (only available in Hungarian). You can view it here, starting at 16:30.


Our most recent uploads can be found on the EvoGamesPlus community on Zenodo


Twitter feed is not available at the moment.